Sunday, February 1, 2009

Christmas was WONDERFUL!

Ben and his daughters, ready to sled down the man-made hill.

The best Christmas program ever!

Christmas morning sockings were loaded!

Caleb meets Santa Claus. "Oh, he is for real."

The Darrell and Betty Ricks family.

Cousins: Owen, Caleb and Treyvan

Caleb & Grandma opening presents.

Cousins: Taryn, Brooke, Kalli and Elise.

Brooke ready to dig into her Christmas Dinner.

Unbelieveable! Blackmail photo of Mark enjoying a baby! (of course it's his son)

1 comment:

Mark and Cristin said...

I wasn't enjoying, I was FEEDING him. So the blackmail won't work. I would say that he is gaining more and more personality everyday and I DO enjoy that!