Sunday, April 6, 2008

I have a few more recent pictures on


Josh said...

We are all children of God. Christ lives and the book of Mormon is another testament of Him. Joseph Smith communed with God and His son, Jesus Christ and he restored His church and is His true church on this earth.

Mark and Cristin said...

yay! you got them up - hope it didn't take you hours!

Mark and Cristin said...

Dad, Your webpage comes up fuzzy. The pictures are cool but we can't download them and keep them for ourselves. Also,the title... did you mean that you have a thousand pictures we haven't seen yet? Just wondering!! This is really cool, maybe in the future you can add some captions about the pictures and maybe WHY you posted them.

Dee said...

Cool pics. Thanks for sharing - ignore childrens comments! We are still on this tech learning curve...and they need to be patient and be proud of our accomplishments.

Nate and Tasha said...

LOVE them! Thanks for the fond memories. I would love to have some copies for myself. Keep up the good work!

Nate and Tasha said...

What happened to all the posting you were going to do??

Would you please email me some of these pics and any others. Thanks!

Mark and Cristin said...

I agree with Tasha, send us some of those pictures. AND if you ever get around to it, blog, blog, blog...